Hey there, fellow TRaCians,
This is my first post I hope you find these somewhat interesting/amusing/informative...
During this week's class at the Dance Theater Workshop we met with Dance TRaC's instructor Brian MrCormick who not only offered us great advice about how to approach a dance review but how to view art in general. We discussed:
*conceptual art/dance vs abstract art/dance vs literal pieces
* the different genre's of dance and how they relate
(ie ballet, which is very structured vs hip hop which is much looser, but still has technical terms and the same basis as any other kind of dance).
* how to (attempt) to discuss a piece without a bias
* in reviewing most arts, but particularly dance, description is essential because it is so abstract and not something concrete.
This week after class we saw the Broadway version of Alfred Hitchcock's "The 39 Steps" at the Cort theater (note my fancy picture posting). What was interesting about this performance was that the cast was made up of only four people, one of which was Sam Robards, or as many of you might have recognized, Nate Archibald's dad from Gossip Girl (omg did you watch tonight's episode? so intense.)
And some other cool people from the cast (the bald guy was Bilbo Baggins!) The 39 Steps was essentially about a man named Richard Hannay, who travels all around the world running from the police to figure out a secret that if released, could destroy the country. Originally a horror movie I'm assuming, as Hitchcock's movies are, the movie was transformed into a hilarious play with a cunning sense of humor with a bunch of allusions to other Hitchcock movies which were hilarious (really, I could hear Kat laughing the whole time she got most of them i only got the "psycho" one).
All in all the show was very entertaining. Go see it!
Ok so this post is altogether too long. Sorry guys.
I'll try to make it short and sweet but I get really carried away with this whole picture posting business.
**REMEMBER! Bring your revised copies of your review of the Pockemon Dance Crew, oui?
and I guess write another review for the 39 steps and bring them all in on Wed (a few copies of each) when we meet and SWITCH LOCATIONS TO :165 East 56th Street (between 3rd Ave and Lexington Ave).
peace and love,
Nice post, Nicole!
Yes, awesome post. Love the pics.
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