Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tuesday-Thursday; July 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
At the Blaustein Building, we
-Introduced ourselves [while making use of nametags]
-Analyzed different types of advertisements/ front pages (magazines, newspapers..)
-Got into groups to read/ discuss articles, such as a concert review by a sportswriter
-Discussed the differences/ similarities between reviews and criticisms

At the Lever House Art Collection on Park Avenue, we
-Viewed sculptures, exhibiting the works of Tom Sachs
-Free-wrote for about 7 minutes (stream of consciousness)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

-We saw Passing Strange at the Belasco Theatre. For a few of us, it was our second time, but for the majority, it was the first.
-We took pictures before and after the show.(One lady even decided to get in the picture with us!)
-Espo: “I stayed after to meet some actors, and I got to go ‘behind to gate’ with Eric and Eisa! ”

Thursday, July 10, 2008
At P.S. 122, we
-Got a handout
-Saw Whisper at P.S. 122
-Had a talkback w/ the actors, director, producer, and sound operator

Espo’s highlight of the night: I took the L the wrong way. Thank goodness Eric was there to save the day!

Sahil’s highlight of the night: Getting to really view up-close pictures of P.S. 122’s new show, Unpronounceable Symbol

Don’t forget!
1) Your two reviews, in no standard style or tone, are due today. (Passing Strange: 250 words; Whisper: 200 words)
2) Have at least five questions ready for Eisa Davis.

See you next Tuesday!

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