@ Performance Space 122 (a.k.a. PS 122)
150 First Avenue on the corner of East 9th Street

WHISPER is a visually decadent, aurally immersive performance that asks the audience to question 'what is real' in a world of increasing technological sophistication. Each audience member is given a set of headphones through which they hear the voices of three live performers narrating a fictional walk through a fictional city. Obscured behind a cinematic screen, the performers are seen as shadows, silhouettes or in stark clarity, creating a fully immersive sound environment to accompany their narration.
Directed and Written by Peter S. Petralia; Performed by Alice Booth, Gillian Lees, and Andrew Westerside; Music and Sound Design by Philip Reeder. Lighting by Rebecca M.K. Makus
www.proto-type.org ( <---check out the theater company's website!!!!)
running time: 50 minutes
Remember your little notebooks, pens and find PS 122 by 7:30pm so we can all go in together at 7:45pm sharp!
DIRECTIONS: (click here for your hopstop link to use...)
Performance Space 122 is located at 150 First Avenue on the corner of East 9th Street in the heart of NYC's East Village. It is easily reached on foot or by taxi, train or bus.
Or rock these Subways:
L train to 1st Avenue
F/V train to 2nd Avenue
N/R to 8th Street
6 to Astor Place

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